#AneleAtTheOscars Trends! - A Joke On Twitter Fans For Not Knowing Much About Red Carpet Reporting Style!

Anele Mdoda at the Oscars

#AneleAtTheOscars gets a "No" from people on Twitter, only to find that is how it done, so Anele actually deserves a "Yes"!

Radio personality and television host Anele Mdoda headed to Hollywood over the weekend to cover the red carpet at the Oscars for pay television MNet which aired on Monday at 21h00 for the channel. Anele & #AneleAtTheOscars fast became a number one trending topic during the episode where Anele was billed to interview the biggest stars of Hollywood at the Oscars. 

Anyone who is not watching will of course be thinking Anele is "killing" it as she was returning for the second time in Hollywood to cover the red carpet for the channel, which she was but social media users totally misunderstood good and correct way things of reporting on the red carpet. 

Users not familiar with the style of Hollywood reporting quickly took short videos on their PVR of which they thought Anele was making fun of herself by calling Hollywood stars names and introducing herself that she's from South Africa to score an interview. And from there, #AneleAtTheOscars became trending topic for all the wrong reasons. 

All in all we should be thankful for is that the #AneleAtTheOscars remained local as South Africa would have been a laughing stock if it was part of the actual #Oscars 

Most twitter users who knew little about red carpet thought this was embarrassing and only to find the joke is on them. And those who knew better schooled them. 

My suggestions is that South African awards starts encouraging journalists to put effort on the red carpet so the viewers at home can learn, or maybe have a bigger red carpet so such is easy for journalist to want to invite celebrities for interviews. Lets see what the upcoming #DSTVMVCAs, SAFTAs and SAMAs have for us in store!

Here are some of the trending tweets from #AneleAtTheOscars 
